Author: David Berzin

  • 21k nautical miles.

    21k nautical miles.

    90 days abroad surveying Viacom’s international business has left me with a carbon footprint that will take a ton of composting to undo.  What a wonderful, whirlwind journey!

  • CIO Review Piece: Measuring Product Effectiveness

    CIO Review Piece: Measuring Product Effectiveness

    Many thanks to CIO Review magazine for publishing my thoughts on product validation. [efsthumbnail sdsd src=”http://localhost:8888/davidberzin/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/CIO-Review.jpeg”] Understanding the efficacy and validity of a digital product is infinitely easier today than during the pre-internet days of shipping software on floppy discs. But, despite the huge advantages conferred by modern analytic…

  • Metros of the World

    It’s been quite the fall.  Hotel and office locations strewn across European capital plans like poorly thrown darts.  Limiting the line items in the expense report seems like a good way to validate the experience here in Europe, binging on local libations and regional delicacies, haggis excluded. So I but…